Staryi Sambir-1 Wind Power Plant – the 1st phase 08.12.2014 The first phase of the Staryi Sambir-1 wind farm was commissioned in western Ukraine. The wind farm is equipped with modern turbines standing 119 metres high. Outfit of Staro-Bohorodchanski wells No.2,3,4,5,6,7,8 15.01.2014 As instructed by Ukrnaftogazinvest LLC, the outfit works were completed at Staro-Bohorodchanski wells No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 24 km flowlines were constructed. Sambir SPP-2 – the 2nd phase 05.10.2013 Construction works related to the second phase of the ground-based solar power plant Sambir SPP-2 were completed – customer Sambir Solar Station-2 LLC Sambir SPP-2 – the 1st phase 28.06.2013 Construction works related to the first phase of the ground-based solar power plant Sambir SPP-2 were completed – customer Sambir Solar Station-2 LLC Sambir SPP – the 2nd phase 25.05.2013 The second phase of the Sambir SPP was launched in western Ukraine. The total capacity of the plant is 3.1 MW – customer Sambir Solar Station LLC Bohorodchanska Solar Power Plant 13.05.2013 The Stari Bohorodchany solar power plant was built on a 5.99 ha land plot. The solar power plant is powered by photovoltaic modules made by a Czech company. Sambir SPP – the 1st phase 06.12.2012 Construction works related to the first phase of the ground-based solar power plant Sambir SPP were completed – customer Sambir Solar Station LLC Works at wells No. 3, 4, 5, 6 outfit at the Chaikovytska gas-bearing field were completed 29.10.2012 Well No. 3,4,5,6 at the Chaikovytska gas bearing field were completed for Geological Bureau Lviv LLC for connecting to the Dubanevychi gas processing plant (GPP) Kozova GDP 29.12.2011 As instructed by Fakel OJSC, a modern reconstruction of the Kozova gas distribution plant, dismantling and installation of process pipelines, insulation works, construction works, and non-destructive testing of welded joints were performed Новини 37 - 45 of 46 First | Prev. | 2 3 4 5 6 | Next | Last | All