Pidhirtsivska field well No. 2 24.08.2021 To increase gas production, well No. 2 at the Pidhirtsivska area was outfitted and connected to well No 5 Komariv flow-line, Lvivgasvydobuvannya GPD – customer – GEO-TOPO-KADASTR LLC Opary GTF reconstruction 06.04.2021 Opary GTF reconstruction was completed for Expert Petroleum Ukraine LLC. GPP reconstruction for Zakhidnadraservis LLC 15.12.2020 Construction and installation works stipulated by the reconstruction of the Bystrytske gas processing plant were completed, and a Solar turbine Turbomach SA gas turbine was installed – customer – Zakhidnadraservis LLC Reconstruction of the Bistritsky gas processing unit 14.12.2020 Reconstruction of GTU of Bystrytske GD. A Solar turbine Turbomach SA gas turbine and a gas purification unit from well No. 5 Bystritskaya were installed using zeolite - customer - Zakhidnadraservice LLC Hirska field wells No. 3,10,11,12,14,15,16 16.07.2020 The outfit of Hirska field wells No. 3,10,11,12,14,15,16 was completed. A 9.7 km gas pipeline was laid down – customer – HORYZONTY LLC. 27.02.2020 As instructed by NORDIK PC, wells No. 8,9 of the Kolodnytska field were outfitted. Gas flow-lines 2.7 km long were constructed. Yavoriv-1 SPP 02.11.2019 The second phase of the Yavoriv-1 solar power plant, which is one of the largest solar power plants in Western Ukraine, was commissioned. The first stage of the plant was commissioned in October 2018 to generate 36 MW of electricity. The second phase was commissioned on 1 November 2019. – customer – Energopark Yavoriv LLC Radekhivska Solar Power Plant 07.06.2019 Radekhivska SPP was put into operation – customer Radekhivska SPP LLC Rudnykivske GD wells No. 1, 2 31.05.2019 Simultaneous outfit of wells No. 1, 2 was undertaken at the Rudnykivske gas deposit, flow-lines 9.3 km long were constructed and connected a new Rudnykivske GPP built by our Company – customer – PROEKT-BUD PC Новини 10 - 18 of 46 First | Prev. | 1 2 3 4 5 | Next | Last | All