5 Ugnivska Square (Tershakivska) has been furnished 09.12.2023 A gas pipeline was constructed and a commercial gas metering unit was set up for the transportation of natural gas at Univska field 5, well No. 10 Tershakivska, customer – Production Sharing Agreement No. 7 of 31 Dec 2020 – investor (operator) WELL KO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 43002645. Design documentation for the development of the Semigynovsk oil field has been developed 25.10.2023 The design documentation for the arrangement of the Semigynovsk oil field and the connection of the well No. 71 was developed - the customer - "PARI NAFTOGAZ" LLC Installation of a gas pipeline from the Dashava 608 15.08.2023 A 6.4 km gas pipeline from Dashava well 608 to Liubeshiv GPP – Yarushychi GDP was constructed. Works were undertaken on the land plot allocated for the construction of this facility, customer – Expert Petroleum Ukraine LLC Dibrovska well No. 16 13.06.2023 According to Production Sharing Agreement No. 7 of 31 Dec 2020 – investor (operator) WELL KO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 43002645 a 4.7 km gas pipeline was constructed in a timely and high-quality manner, and Dibrovska well No. 16 was outfitted at the Uhnivska 4 field. Production improvement at the Hirske GD 30.09.2022 At a gas collection facility (GCF) of the Hirske GD a complex technological process was implemented, which includes a set of equipment necessary for gas preparation and compression, modern gas drying units, electric drive piston compressor units were installed – customer – Horyzonty LLC. Works at the Rudnykivske GD 21.07.2022 A range of works was undertaken to construct an external and internal gas supply at the Rudnykivske GD gas treatment facility to the Pukenychi-Komarno MGP – customer – Proekt-Bud PC Hai GPP reconstruction 03.05.2022 Hai gas processing plant was reconstructed with the installation of the 1st stage BCS connection unit, which increases hydrocarbon production, natural gas compression, and improve product indicators – customer – Expert Petroleum Ukraine LLC. Set of works at the Kolodnytske GD 23.03.2022 With the guarantee of reliable operation of the gas transmission system, the construction of external and internal gas supply at the Kolodnytske GD gas treatment facility was constructed to Uhersko-Opary MGP in line with the requirements of the Gas Distribution Systems Code – customer – Nordik PC Hrabynska field wells No. 1, 2 28.12.2021 Works on wells No. 1 and No. 2 at the Hrabynska field were completed promptly and efficiently. All outfit works were completed on a turnkey basis – customer – GEO-NADRA-INVEST LLC Pidhirtsivska field well No. 2 24.08.2021 To increase gas production, well No. 2 at the Pidhirtsivska area was outfitted and connected to well No 5 Komariv flow-line, Lvivgasvydobuvannya GPD – customer – GEO-TOPO-KADASTR LLC Opary GTF reconstruction 06.04.2021 Opary GTF reconstruction was completed for Expert Petroleum Ukraine LLC. GPP reconstruction for Zakhidnadraservis LLC 15.12.2020 Construction and installation works stipulated by the reconstruction of the Bystrytske gas processing plant were completed, and a Solar turbine Turbomach SA gas turbine was installed – customer – Zakhidnadraservis LLC Reconstruction of the Bistritsky gas processing unit 14.12.2020 Reconstruction of GTU of Bystrytske GD. A Solar turbine Turbomach SA gas turbine and a gas purification unit from well No. 5 Bystritskaya were installed using zeolite - customer - Zakhidnadraservice LLC Hirska field wells No. 3,10,11,12,14,15,16 16.07.2020 The outfit of Hirska field wells No. 3,10,11,12,14,15,16 was completed. A 9.7 km gas pipeline was laid down – customer – HORYZONTY LLC. 27.02.2020 As instructed by NORDIK PC, wells No. 8,9 of the Kolodnytska field were outfitted. Gas flow-lines 2.7 km long were constructed. Yavoriv-1 SPP 02.11.2019 The second phase of the Yavoriv-1 solar power plant, which is one of the largest solar power plants in Western Ukraine, was commissioned. The first stage of the plant was commissioned in October 2018 to generate 36 MW of electricity. The second phase was commissioned on 1 November 2019. – customer – Energopark Yavoriv LLC Radekhivska Solar Power Plant 07.06.2019 Radekhivska SPP was put into operation – customer Radekhivska SPP LLC Rudnykivske GD wells No. 1, 2 31.05.2019 Simultaneous outfit of wells No. 1, 2 was undertaken at the Rudnykivske gas deposit, flow-lines 9.3 km long were constructed and connected a new Rudnykivske GPP built by our Company – customer – PROEKT-BUD PC Boryslavska Solar Power Plant 02.03.2019 As instructed by Boryslavska Solar Power Plant LLC, the construction of the Boryslavska SPP was completed Hlyniany-1 Solar Power Plant 02.01.2019 Hlyniany-1 SPP was constructed. This is a significant contribution to Ukraine's energy independence and environmental safety – customer Pure Power LLC Krekhivske GD wells No. 100,101,102,103 31.12.2018 Works on wells No. 100,101,102,103 located within the Krekhivske gas deposit were completed, flow-lines 7.9 km long were constructed and connected to a new Oblaznytsia GDP built by our Company – customer – Zakhidnadraservis LLC Yavoriv-1 Solar Power Plant 23.10.2018 To introduce renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources in western Ukraine, the first phase of 36 MW Yavoriv-1 solar power plant was built – customer – Energopark Yavoriv LLC Lokachynske GD well No. 104 30.09.2018 In order to increase gas production, well No. 104 of the Lokachynske gas deposit was equipped and 2.3 km pipeline was laid down. Customer Lvivgasvydobuvannya GPD branch of Ukrgasvydobuvannya JSC Works on wells No. 6,7 of the Hirske GD were conducted 30.06.2018 Flow-lines 3.2 km long were constructed and wells No. 6,7 of the Hirske GD were connected to the Bystrytsia GPP. – customer – Horyzonty LLC Staryi Sambir-2 Wind Power Plant 26.10.2017 Staryi Sambir-2 wind power plant was put into operation – customer – Karpatenwind LLC Bystrytske GD wells No. 1, 2, 3, 4 30.09.2017 As instructed by Zakhidnadraservis LLC, works were completed related to the development of wells No. 1, 2, 3, 4 of the Bystrytske gas deposit, and 12.6 km flowlines were constructed and connected to the Main Pipeline via a new Bystrytsia GPP constructed by our company Energy industry project. Truskavetska Heat Plant 14.11.2016 A set of works was completed to build a modern biofuel boiler house. The boiler house meets all European environmental safety requirements. Berehivski wells No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 31.10.2016 To transport natural gas, a 10.5 km gas pipeline was constructed, wells No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of the Berehivska gas field were completed, and a gas processing plant was built – customer – HORYZONTY LLC The second phase of the Staryi Sambir-1 WF was completed 07.10.2016 The second phase of the Staryi Sambir-1 wind farm was completed in Western Ukraine. Vestas turbines were installed. Technologically, these are the most advanced turbines with a service life of 20 years. Svydnytske deposit booster gas compressor unit 30.06.2016 As instructed by KARPATYGAZ LLC, which is an operator of Joint Activities between SC "Ukrgasvydobuvannya" of NJSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine", Misen Enterprises AB and Karpatygaz LLC, a booster compressor unit volumed 700 ths. m3/day of compressed gas was built at the Svydnytske gas deposit. Kolodnytsia GPP 26.06.2016 The construction of Kolodnytsia GPP was completed, and wells No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of the Kolodnytske GD were outfit – customer Nordik PC Sambir SPP-2 – the 4th phase 30.12.2015 Construction works related to the fourth phase of the ground-based solar power plant Sambir SPP-2 were completed – customer Sambir Solar Station-2 LLC Sambir SPP-2 – the 3rd phase 08.12.2015 Construction works related to the third phase of the ground-based solar power plant Sambir SPP-2 were completed – customer Sambir Solar Station-2 LLC Hrabivka GPP 30.05.2015 To increase gas production, the construction of an external gas supply to Hrabivka GPP was completed – customer Ukrtransgaz PJSC 08.04.2015 Construction of a gas connection and commercial metering unit at AGDS-Nove Selo site was completed. The first biofuel boiler house 13.12.2014 The first biofuel boiler house of the Rava-Ruska Heat Plant was put into operation. Four boilers with a total capacity of 2.16 MW are in operation. Staryi Sambir-1 Wind Power Plant – the 1st phase 08.12.2014 The first phase of the Staryi Sambir-1 wind farm was commissioned in western Ukraine. The wind farm is equipped with modern turbines standing 119 metres high. Outfit of Staro-Bohorodchanski wells No.2,3,4,5,6,7,8 15.01.2014 As instructed by Ukrnaftogazinvest LLC, the outfit works were completed at Staro-Bohorodchanski wells No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 24 km flowlines were constructed. Sambir SPP-2 – the 2nd phase 05.10.2013 Construction works related to the second phase of the ground-based solar power plant Sambir SPP-2 were completed – customer Sambir Solar Station-2 LLC Sambir SPP-2 – the 1st phase 28.06.2013 Construction works related to the first phase of the ground-based solar power plant Sambir SPP-2 were completed – customer Sambir Solar Station-2 LLC Sambir SPP – the 2nd phase 25.05.2013 The second phase of the Sambir SPP was launched in western Ukraine. The total capacity of the plant is 3.1 MW – customer Sambir Solar Station LLC Bohorodchanska Solar Power Plant 13.05.2013 The Stari Bohorodchany solar power plant was built on a 5.99 ha land plot. The solar power plant is powered by photovoltaic modules made by a Czech company. Sambir SPP – the 1st phase 06.12.2012 Construction works related to the first phase of the ground-based solar power plant Sambir SPP were completed – customer Sambir Solar Station LLC Works at wells No. 3, 4, 5, 6 outfit at the Chaikovytska gas-bearing field were completed 29.10.2012 Well No. 3,4,5,6 at the Chaikovytska gas bearing field were completed for Geological Bureau Lviv LLC for connecting to the Dubanevychi gas processing plant (GPP) Kozova GDP 29.12.2011 As instructed by Fakel OJSC, a modern reconstruction of the Kozova gas distribution plant, dismantling and installation of process pipelines, insulation works, construction works, and non-destructive testing of welded joints were performed Pipeline overhaul for Ukrgazprombud 31.12.2010 A modern overhaul of the insulation of underground process pipelines at the Rohatyn compressor plant was undertaken – customer Branch "Construction and Installation Company "Ukrgazprombud" of Ukrtransgaz JSC Новини 1 - 46 of 46 First | Prev. | 1 | Next | Last | Paged